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Capacity Building for Evidence Synthesis (CBES) Award




The 2018 Capacity Building for Research Synthesis Award is NOW CLOSED

As part of HSC R&D Divisions support for Cochrane Ireland, HSC R&D Division and the Health Research Board (HRB) are delighted to announce the Capacity Building for Evidence Synthesis (CBES) Award 2018

HSC R&D Division and the HRB have a long history of supporting activities linked to the Cochrane Collaboration. Following a number of changes in the environment we now invite applications which propose a new model for delivering capacity building initiatives in evidence synthesis.

The proposed model should include a range of activities to promote and support capacity building for evidence synthesis.  While this may include some current Cochrane activities, it is expected that the successful team will deliver a broad suite of training courses and other initiatives that will support evidence synthesis employing a range of methodologies (e.g. rapid reviews, umbrella reviews, narrative reviews, scoping reviews, realist reviews).

The successful applicants will be expected to take over the networking, knowledge exchange and dissemination activities of Cochrane Ireland with the aim to revise and develop these as relevant.

Who should apply?

Applications must be made by teams of applicants representing different institutions North and South. Whilst the Lead Applicant must be based in ROI, the applicant team must include at least one Co-Applicant from Northern Ireland who has sufficient experience, expertise and networking skills to ensure that the Northern Ireland perspective is represented within the governance and decision making structures of the award.  

For further informations please contact Gail Johnston in HSC R&D Division or Sara Lord at the HRB.