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Centres Previously Funded

HSC R&D Division has provided significant funding to support the following Research Centres:

The Centre of Excellence for Public Health at QUB was one of five Centres of Excellence established across the UK in 2008 as part of a £20 million investment across the UK to strengthen research into complex public health issues such as obesity and health inequalities. In 2013, the Centre was awarded a further 5 years funding which will enable its team to advance their research on what shapes the health and wellbeing of adolescents in schools, on developing better interventions to improve public health and on the broader social and economic forces that help us all "age" well. The funding partners included British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, National Institute of Health Research, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, HSC R&D Division, National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (Welsh Assembly Government) & Wellcome Trust. For more information see CoEPH NI &  Centre for Public Health

The NI Centre for Stratified Medicine was an £11.5 million collaborative project between the University of Ulster’s Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, C-TRIC (the Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre) and the Western Health and Social Care Trust. The Centre, based in C-TRIC at Altnagelvin Area Hospital, has a focus on personalised medicine approaches to managing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, diabetes, bone disorders, inflammatory diseases, mental health, dementia and cancer. Stratified or personalised medicine is an emerging practice of medicine which examines our genetic make-up along with clinical data to better prevent, diagnose and treat disease at an individual patient level. In addition to undertaking cutting edge stratified medicine research, the Centre offers an undergraduate degree course in Stratified Medicine. The funding partners included HSC R&D Division (£1.5m), Invest Northern Ireland (£5.6m) and the Ulster University (£4.4m). For more information see C-TRIC & NI CSM

The Institute for Child care Research (ICCR) at QUB (including the Youth Development Study) aimed to influence the development of child care policy and practice through identifying and conducting high quality research and through promoting the use of the best available findings. It was established in 1995. It received core funding from HSC R&D Division up until 2016.

The Nucleic Acid Extraction Centre (NAEC) was funded (2001-2009) to accept blood and other tissues for DNA/RNA extraction storage with a quality assured process (spectrophotometry, gel electrophoresis, PCR and dHPLC) and provide a database of samples received and distributed.