BRAIN-Diabetes: Border Region Area lifestyle Intervention study for healthy Neurocognitive ageing in Diabetes (Host Organisation – QUB)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an almost three-fold increased risk of Dementia in later life. The lag period between DM diagnosis and development of Dementia symptoms represents an opportunity for risk modification. A Scandinavian study showed that an intensive multi-domain lifestyle intervention programme (nutrition, exercise, cognitive stimulation and intensive vascular risk factor control) applied in older people (age 60-77 years-old) at higher risk for Dementia, produced significant cognitive benefits after two years.
BRAIN-Diabetes will study the feasibility and effects of a practical lifestyle intervention programme, developed in conjunction with people with DM, on cognition in older people recently diagnosed with DM living in the border areas of Ireland.
This health research could lead to the development of a practical protocol that patients can comply with, which can reduce risk of cognitive decline and Dementia.
BRAIN Diabetes is currently looking for participants to take part in this study. If you are over 50 years-old, with 5 years of diagnosis and are not on insulin and living in Sligo, Leitrim or Cavan, please contact Caroline Bradshaw, Research Co-ordinator on, tel: 0 87 4565 851 or email: or contact Valerie Mortland, Clinical Research Nurse, C-TRIC, Altnagelvin Hospital on ext number 216 610. Mobile: 07788383828 or email:
BRAIN-Diabetes Lead:
Professor Peter Passmore, Queen’s University Belfast