What: Involvement Conference 2019 - Influence, Impact and Innovation
Where: Crumlin Road Gaol Visitor Attraction and Conference Centre, 53-55 Crumline Road, Belfast BT14 6ST
When: 21 November 2019, 9.00am - 3.00pm
Involve Fest will also include a conference, which will focus on the celebration of service user and carer involvement and their invaluable contribution to shaping and improving Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland.
As part of the conference events, we are seeking examples of involvement projects and/or initiatives to share experience and best practice through a workshop. We are therefore inviting submissions from a wide range of contributors including HSC staff, service users, carers and universities etc.
We would like to capture the imagination, reflecting the real and valuable impact of involvement in changing and improving Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland. Tell us about innovative and creative ideas where service users, carers and staff were involved and worked as partners throughout the development, delivery and/or evaluation of your project and how you hope to share those learning experiences through a workshop format. Examples may include involving people through the arts, service improvement or change initiatives or involvement through Reference Groups or Strategic programmes of work.
Call for workshop submissions
If you would like to contribute, you can access the submission form here, including additional information about the conference. The closing date for submissions to host a workshop is Monday 23 September 2019.
To register to attend the conference see the Eventbrite Page.