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Short Training Courses & Education

Good Clinical Practice training (for researchers)

A key requirement for anyone involved in the conduct of clinical research is Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training. GCP is the ethical and practical standard to which all clinical research is conducted.

Everyone involved in the conduct of clinical research must have training to ensure they are best prepared to carry out their duties. This is laid down in the Research Governance Framework, covering all research in the HSC, and in law for those people working on clinical trials.

The principles of GCP state that: Each individual involved in conducting a trial should be qualified by education, training and experience to perform his or her respective task(s).

To access an online training module in GCP you should contact your local Trust Research Office.  (The training is provided by NIHR)


Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) training 

HSC R&D Division in partnership with the Northern Ireland Cancer Trials Centre have designed 'Building Research Partnerships (NI)' training. This is designed for people interested in getting involved in research as partners rather participnats, and researchers interested in involving the public, patients and carers in their research. 

For information about the training please click here. You can also contact Cara McClure (Workshop Administrator) or Janet Diffin (Programme Manager)


Clinican Trials - from protocol to patient

Queen's University Belfast is offering a short course which will introduce participants from a broad range of disciplines to the key considerations for planning and delivering clinical trials.  To read more and apply see the QUB website.

e-learning courses

The Medical Research Council provides free e-learning in a number of areas including:  (you may need to register with the MRC to access this training)

Research Data and Confidentiality

Research and human tissue legislation

Integrated Research Applications System (IRAS)

Good Research Practice