The Evidence Synthesis Programme funds research projects that identify, evaluate and combine data from existing research studies to provide best evidence, including on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments, tests and other interventions, to support decision-making across health, public health and social care in all four nations of the UK. The Programme is funded by the NIHR, with contributions from HSC R&D Division, the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) in Scotland, and Health and Care Research Wales. Evidence syntheses combine data from multiple sources, most commonly from existing research studies, to provide an overall summary of current knowledge. They should be based on systematic processes to identify and collate relevant evidence that meets pre-specified eligibility criteria and to minimise the influence of bias. Combining individual study results and considering differences can reduce uncertainty and help make sense of conflicting study findings. Whatever kind of evidence synthesis is conducted, appropriate, rigorous and transparent methods must be used so that the conclusions can be trusted. Nine Evidence Synthesis Groups (ESGs) have been funded to undertake a range of evidence syntheses reviews for the Evidence Synthesis Programme. The aim of the ESGs is to address knowledge gaps or to answer a specific need for the Programme’s healthcare, public health and social care stakeholders/audiences. These will be areas of importance to policy makers and will have a direct impact on decision-making, patient and client care, reducing inequalities and identifying future research needs. To submit a topic (to HSC R&D) click: topic for prioritisation for Evidence Synthesis Researchers/Clinicians: Suggest a research topic | NIHR Patients, Carers, Public: Suggest a research topic | NIHR Evidence Synthesis Groups (ESGs)
You can also submit ideas/topics directly to NIHR:
What is Evidence Synthesis? - Click here for youtube clip: Evidence Synthesis - What is it and why do we need it? (