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PPI Resource Library for Researchers

General PPI information and guidance

Co-Production guidance

PPI and Ethics

PPI and Equality, Diveristy and Inclusion

PPI training

Webinar recordings



Advice for funding applications

PPI tools: Planning and Impact Assessment

PPI Payment guidance and tools

Benchmarks for effective public involvement

Useful Websites

  • NIHR Learning for Involvement: This website is dedicated to learning and development for public involvement in health and social care research:  what’s it all about and how to do it well. It brings public involvement information and resources (such as guidance, websites, videos, articles and blogs) and training together in one place.
  • Health Research Authority: Public Involvement
  • PPI Ignite Network: The PPI Ignite Network promotes excellence and inspires innovation in public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research in Ireland.
  • Engage: a website developed in partnership with staff, service users and carers designed to provide a wide range of information, guides and links to support Personal and Public Involvement (PPI).
  • Patient Experience Library: The Patient Experience Library puts a wealth of patient experience evidence in one place with free search and unlimited downloads.

Journal Articles/Publications

Examples of PPI Groups

Examples of PPI Strategies and Plans



page last updated 06.12.24