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UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre

HSC R&D Division contributes funding to the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre (UKCRC TDCC), which was set up to support research using UK-based human samples and data. The UKCRC TDCC works to help researchers discover human samples and data, help sample resources improve their data systems for sharing, and harmonise policy relating to the discovery and use of samples and data.

Their flagship project is the Tissue Directory, a free online resource that catalogues the different types of human sample resources across the UK (biobank, cohort, biorepository, clinical trial; etc.). It’s the only of its kind that covers all regions, sample types and disease areas. The UKCRC Tissue Directory has characterized over 180 sample resources, hosting over 400 sample collections, covering 136 diseases -and counting. Researchers can search by gender, age, and disease to either find banked samples or resources that can acquire bespoke collections. As the UKCRC TDCC is also the UK node of BBMRI-ERIC, they provide a gateway for biobanking in Europe.

Have you been successful in accessing samples or starting new research collaborations via the Directory? If so, please get in touch with the UKCRC TDCC. They are collecting case studies of use of the Tissue Directory in relation to Northern Ireland.