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23 Mar 2022 - NIPHRN Seminar 'Experiences of writing and reviewing grants in population research' by Prof Helen Coleman

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NIPHRN invites you to an online seminar
Wednesday 23rd March 2022 1.00-2.00 pm

"Two sides of the coin: Experiences of writing and reviewing grant applications in population research"

Professor Helen Coleman
 Centre for Public Health/ Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Queen's University Belfast Professor Helen Coleman leads the Cancer Epidemiology Research Group at the Centre for Public Health at Queen's University Belfast.
Professor Coleman is jointly affiliated to the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research at QUB, and is a Visiting Scientist with the Fitzgerald Lab at the MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge. Her research mostly focuses on the epidemiology and early detection of gastrointestinal cancers and conditions, including pre-malignant conditions Professor Coleman will share her lessons learned from applying (both successfully and unsuccessfully!) for research funding grants for project and programme funding, early and mid-career fellowships over the past 15 years. She will also provide insights from her experience of reviewing applications as a panel member for the for the Prevention and Population Research committee at Cancer Research UK, Yorkshire Cancer Research, and NI HSC R&D Fellowships alongside grant peer-review experience for several national and International funding bodies.
Registration is free and now open.

To register: Click here and for the flyer click here.

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