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3 Apr 2020 - Embedding research within health services workshop

Event Date: 



What: Embedding research within health services: A one-day Implementation Science Workshop

Where: School of Psychology, NUI Galway

When: Friday 3 April 2020, 09.00 - 16.45


There is a significant delay in the translation of evidence from clinical research into routine practice and often, the findings of research are not integrated into health services at all. Implementation Science is “the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices in routine practice, to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services.” The field of Implementation Science is relatively new and rapidly growing, and aims to understand and help address the barriers to the integration of evidence-based practices in health services. Implementation Science research often utilises qualitative and quantitative research methods, and many comprehensive guidelines and frameworks exist for conducting high quality implementation research. Implementation Science is playing a key role in supporting efforts to realise the value of health research and ensure that health services are equipped to respond to increasing demands.

Learning objectives:

- Gain a high-level understanding of implementation science principles, frameworks and methods.

- Examine worked examples of implementation interventions to recognise barriers and facilitators to evidence-based practice.

- Explore behavioural science approaches to designing effective implementation interventions, with reference to applied examples.

- Learn strategies to engage relevant stakeholders during intervention development to maximise implementation.

- Judge the use of appropriate methods for implementing and evaluating interventions.

- Recognise the complexity of health service problem solving and engage with concepts underlying effective intervention development.

- Apply implementation science methods to understanding and solving health system problems, with reference to real world examples.


To register see the Eventbrite Page.  For further assistance email Valerie Parker