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30 Nov-4 Dec 2020 - Engage Festival 2020: Engagement, innovation and change

Event Date: 

The Engage Festival is an online extravaganza which will take place from Monday 30th November – Friday 4th of December. Bringing together all of those keen to support the role of public engagement in reimagining our world, the programme is the ultimate in tailorable experiences, with delegates being able to develop their own programme that fits their interests and their availability.

The programme will include key-note plenaries, small and large workshops, and networking events. We are inviting the sector to develop and showcase high quality engagement practice both in terms of content and delivery. For those wanting to curate something really innovative, we are making small bursaries available, enabling our community to push the boundaries of online engagement, explore other innovative ways of bringing people together, or to develop tools and methods to approach engagement in our current context.

To read more and register click on the following link

There is also a call for contributions which will close on Monday 31st of August.