Involving the Public in the Design and Conduct of Research:
Building Research Partnerships
A virtual/online course for Researchers & Members of the Public
What is it?
This free online course will look at practical ways to involve patients and the public as partners (PPI) in the research process. It will explore the issues related to becoming and being a member of the public involved in research and the role of researchers in facilitating this involvement.
What does it involve?
It involves 2 parts. Part 1 is a series of online pre-recorded presentations providing information about PPI in Research and Part 2 provides the opportunity for participants to attend a Question and Answer/Dragon’s Den workshop. Participants MUST complete Part 1 before attending Part 2.
Who is it for?
Patients, carers and members of the public who are interested in getting involved in research and researchers interested in involving patients, carers and the public in their research.
How long is it?
Part 1 consists of a welcome slide along with 6 presentations each lasting around 10 minutes and Part 2 is a 1½. hour online workshop (invite will be sent via teams after the closing date).
What will I get out of it?
- As a patient, carer or member of the public, you will gain an understanding of what it means to be involved in research at each stage of the research process.
- As a researcher, you will gain an understanding of how patients, carers and the public can get involved in research, practical tips, the opportunity to share your research expertise and build research partnerships.
To register your interest for this course please complete the form below:
Dates of online workshop
Please indicate your preference for date of attendance at Part 2 of the course via the Microsoft forms application.
Thursday 20th October 2022; 10am to 11.30am
Tuesday 25th October 2022; 2pm to 3.30pm
Closing date for applications is Friday 30th September at which point a link will be sent for the training.
If you have any queries about the workshop or want further information please email Cara McClure: