Event Date:
The next ‘Involving the Public in the Design and Conduct of Research: Building Research Partnerships’ workshop will take place in Ulster University Jordanstown on 11 October 2018. The workshop is free and is open to patients, carers and the public interested in becoming involved in research and to researchers who are interested in involving patients, carers and the public in their research.
What will I get out of it?
People interested in getting involved in research
- An understanding of how the public can get involved in research.
- An understanding of what it means to be involved in research and how patients, carers and the public can be involved at each stage of the research process.
- A knowledge of different types of research methods and terms used in research.
- An understanding of how the public can get involved in research
- An understanding of what it means to facilitate involvement in research and how patients, carers and the public can be involved at each stage of the research process.
- An opportunity to share your expertise in research with patients, carers and the public.
- Applications are encouraged from existing or potential research partnerships.
Please see the flyer and if you wish to register your interest in attending this workshop complete the application form and return to Cara McClure: cara.mcclure@hscni.net by 1 October 2018.
Places will only be confirmed after the closing date on 1 October 2018