HSC R&D Industry Engagement Unit, Northern Ireland’s Health Research and Development Hub, is an initiative comprising key posts, activities and programmes focused on driving growth of commercial R&D throughout Health and Social Care NI for the benefit of the population. HSC R&D Industry Engagement Unit is housed within Health & Social Care Research & Development Division of the Public Health Agency (HSC R&D Division). HSC R&D Industry Engagement Unit
- Promotes and facilitates engagement of industry with NI’s clinical knowledge base, capability and expertise;
- Facilitates access to clinical expertise and access to high quality clinical data and materials
- Develops and manages health R&D programmes aimed at both supporting people and organisations to improve processes around clinical research, collaboration and adoption of novel healthcare interventions
- Provides a point of leadership aimed at enabling optimal engagement within the life and health science sector to grow the research related economy
- Advises the Department of Health on relevant policy and legislative issues
The closing date for applications in Friday 8 December 2023 at 6.00pm.
To read more and apply see the HSC Recruit website.