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11 Jan 2024 - Get Real! Ten reasons to undertake a Realist Synthesis (despite what you may have heard!)

Event Date: 

Webinar Title: Get Real! Ten reasons to undertake a Realist Synthesis (despite what you may have heard!)

Presenters: Prof. Andrew Booth

Time & Date: 1:00pm – 2:00pm (UTC), 11th January

To register, click here

Realist synthesis occupies a misty research hinterland somewhere between systematic reviews and the much-maligned narrative review. Critics often focus on the “…and then the magic happens” approach that challenges the orthodoxy of systematic reviews. Can a realist synthesis be “systematic” without aspiring to be a systematic review? Where does realist review sit within a toolbox of review approaches that provide useful and useable answers to practitioners and policy makers? To what extent is it possible to use systematic approaches to theory generation and searching? How do you document the iterative process and “forays” into the literature that pursuit of explanations for what works for whom under what circumstances seems to require. Professor Andrew Booth, both a proponent and a critic of realist approaches will present a lively debate on what realist synthesis has to offer, what alternatives are available, and why, for certain researchers under certain circumstances they may actually be worth conducting!