What: Launch of the findings of reports into the Northern Ireland Dementia Strategy
Where: Linen Suite, Mossley Maill, Newtownabbey
When: Friday 29 March 2019, 9.30am - 1.00pm
The Health and Social Care R&D Division, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland (HSC R&D) commissioned a programme of work to support the research recommendations of the NI Dementia Strategy - 'Improving Dementia Services in Northern Ireland. A Regional Strategy'.
This programme was commissioned in a collaboration with The Atlantic Philanthropies. Seven projects were informed by a local priority setting exercise.
A formal launch of the findings from these projects will be held on Friday 29th March 2019, Linen Suite, Mossley Mill, from 9.30am and finishing with lunch at 1.30pm. Please see the flyer and to book a space please email cara.mcclure@hscni.net by 18th March 2019.