The Research Programme for Social Care aims to fund research that generates evidence that increases the effectiveness of social care, provides value for money and benefits people who need or use social care and carers.
The new Research Programme for Social Care will fund research which generates evidence to improve, expand and strengthen the way social care is provided for users of care services, carers, the social care workforce, and the public across the UK - England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The programme will fund primary, secondary and evidence synthesis research including qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods designs.
HSC R&D Division will be hosting a virtual information session on Monday 4th March 11am-12pm for NI based researchers. This will include an overview of the eligibility and remit for the programme, and a Q&A session with the NIHR programme team.
To reserve a place please complete the eventbrite registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nihr-programme-for-social-care-virtual-information-session-for-ni-based-r-tickets-801334351617?aff=oddtdtcreator
If you require further information please contact Cara McClure Cara.McClure@hscni.net
Further information to follow.