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ICTD 2022 - short videos

Some short videos produced to celebrate International Clinical Trials Day 2022.  To watch any of the videos click on the image or link below.

Professor Ian Young, Director of HSC R&D Division and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Departmant of Health (NI) talks about the importance of clinical trials in health and social care research in Northern Ireland.


Margaret Grayson MBE, member of Public Involvement Enhancing Research (PIER NI) and the Northern Ireland Cancer Research Consumer Forum talks about her treatments and therapies as a result of clinical trials.


Professor Chris Butler, Chief Investigator of the Panoramic Trial and Professor of Primary Care, Oxford University, thanking over 1000 Trial Blazers who took part in NI in the Panoramic Trial.

Fidelma Carter, Director of Public Health from NI Chest Heart and Stroke


Professor Mike Clarke, Director of the NI Clinical Trials Unit, and Centre for Public Health, Queen's University Belfast talks about Systematic Review, Research and Randomised Clinical Trials.


     Systematic Review                                        Research                                          Randomised Clinical Trials


Dr Rhonda Campbell, Programme Manager of the Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network (CHITIN) in HSC R&D Division



South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) video for clinical trials day, it features one of their study patients.