On Friday 29th March, more than 80 delegates attended the launch of the findings from HSC R&D Division’s Dementia Care Research Programme, funded in partnership with The Atlantic Philanthropies. Seven projects were funded as part of this programme and led by teams from both universities in collaboration with partners and co-investigators from over 30 organisations. Topics included pain assessment at the end of life, advance care planning, communication of risk, facilitated reminiscence, technology enriched housing, the prescription of medication in primary care and the evaluation of a healthcare passport for people living with dementia.
Delegates heard a summary of the findings and viewed leaflets and an art display produced by the projects. The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Michael McBride, closed the proceedings by urging commissioners, managers and health and social care professionals to act on these findings to improve the care of people with dementia in the future.
A full summary of the findings is available to download if you click on the image below.
Below are pictures of some of the art work and information on display at the launch