HSC R&D Division's Enabling Research Awards (ERAs) are designed to support researchers in their acquisition of funding through NIHR Evaluations Trials and Studies funding programmes, UK Research and Innovation funding (i.e. relevant Research Council funding), AMRC member charities, US-Ireland Partnership Programme, Wellcome Trust, EU and other international research funding streams. Eligibility of applications targeting other funding bodies will be considered on a case by case basis.
The aim of this investment is to increase the rate and number of successful applications from Northern Ireland-based lead researchers to external funding bodies.
The scheme is open to experienced Northern Ireland-based investigators working in research relevant to health or social care. Applicants must be employed within health or social care services, voluntary/not-for-profit organisations providing health or social care, or within a higher education institution in Northern Ireland.
Scope of awards
Enabling Research Awards are intended to support the completion of preparatory and/or developmental work that will improve the outcomes of a subsequent grant application to an externally funded research programme. The scheme will not support literature or systematic reviews, purchase of equipment, stand-alone studies, or extensions/adaptations to existing funded research projects.
The maximum value of an award will be £45,000.
Further details can be found in the scheme guidance notes. Potential applicants are advised to contact Dr Janet Diffin, Senior Programme Manager HSC R&D Division to discuss their application (Janet.Diffin@hscni.net).
Applications are now closed.
The guidance notes and application forms for 2024 are available via the links below:
Enabling Research Awards Guidance 2024
Enabling Research Awards Application form 2024