HSC R&D Division wish to appoint a new Director of the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (NICRN).
This is a key role within the clinical research infrastructure in NI. HSC R&D Division funds the NICRN with over £4M a year to deliver research across all Health and Social Care (HSC) structures.
The Director will lead the NICRN with the aim of facilitating the delivery of high-quality clinical research across the HSC and provide overall leadership for all aspects of the NICRN’s work and its development, supported by the NICRN Coordinating Centre Senior Management Team and the NICRN Steering Group.
The role is for up to eight hours per week of current substantive contract (working time can be flexible) for 3 years with potential renewal.
Interested parties can discuss the position with Dr Clive Wolsley, Dr Janice Bailie (Assistant Director HSC R&D Division) or Prof Ian Young (Director HSC R&D).
To apply for the position, interested parties should email Dr Clive Wolsley (Programme Manager HSC R&D Division) with a brief CV and a 1 page summary of their "Vision for the NICRN".
The closing date is 31 January 2022.
For more information on NICRN see links below:
NI Research Networks | Public Health Agency - Research & Development in Northern Ireland (hscni.net)