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Research Transparency Update

This summer more than 700 organisations and individuals took part in our 12-week Make it Public consultation.

The consultation, which ran from June to September, asked for feedback on our draft strategy to improve research transparency. 

There were almost 500 responses to our online survey, and over 150 people attended face to workshops in London, Manchester, Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh. The HRA are very grateful to everyone who shared their thoughts to help inform lasting change. The consultation included workshops around the UK for HRA staff, a focus group for patients and the public and a webinar for members of Research Ethics Committees. In total this is the highest number of responses the HRA has ever received to a consultation.

They are also delighted that respondents included people involved in and affected by health and social care research studies.

Of the individual respondents to the online survey 21% were researchers, 32% were patients, patient advocates and research participants and 16% were research managers

At their face to face workshops 25% were patients, patient advocates and research participants, 18% were research managers and 17% were researchers.

A full record of all responses will be published alongside our consultation report later this year.

To read more see the HRA website and for more details of the HRA and the Science and Technology Committee inquiry on Research Integrity including videos and transcripts click here.