Over the past few months, we have been having a conversation about how we could make ethics review more streamlined and proportionate. We've spoken to people working in research and Research Ethics Committees (RECs) to hear what they think works in the current service and what could work better. We've also spoken to sponsors (the individual, organisation or partnership that have overall responsibility for a research project).
We heard that:
- Some researchers and sponsors feel there are unnecessary barriers and burdens in ethics review, leading to added bureaucracy and longer review timelines.
- Some committee members feel their workload is too heavy and time consuming.
- Members of the public want us to make better use of committee members’ expertise and time.
Now we want to broaden the conversation, and this consultation is the next phase. Based on what we've heard so far, we've developed some ideas on how we could rethink ethics review, to improve both the application journey and the review itself. Now we want to hear from you!
Take part in the online survey now at the link below and to read more click here.
Our online survey runs from 13 June to 23 September 2022.