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A high street voucher scheme has been hailed as a highly effective way to help women stop smoking during pregnancy.

October 2022 Update

Physical activity levels in children and teenagers across Ireland and Northern Ireland have improved slightly over the past eight years but not all children and teens have an equal chance to be active, a new Active Healthy Kids Report Card has found.

Our funding has enabled researchers in Northern Ireland to gather the evidence they require to better support patients and the public. 

Deadline for applications is Friday 26th August 5pm

HSC R&D Division recently provided end-to-end project management and risk management services to HSCNI trusts relating to Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) undertaken by the trusts on behalf of global sponsors.


The Northern Ireland Biobank (NIB) have launched their new website, which features a fresh new look and improved layout so visitors can quickly find the information they require.

Closing date for responses 23 September 2022
The Health Minister visited the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (NICRN)
